A new Food and Property Package Program contract is in progress. The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) will update this site with the new Food and Property Package Program once it becomes available.
During this process, Inmates can continue to purchase property items through the quarterly order program currently offered by Trinity Services Group. Friends and family wishing to contribute toward the purchase of property items may deposit funds in their loved one’s inmate trust fund account.
To process Quarterly Order Products, the inmate will fill out a quarterly form (available in the inmate canteen) and submit the order form to the Canteen Manager. Order forms are accepted during the first week of the first month of the quarter. The Canteen Manager shall review the forms for accuracy and completeness, verify all prices, and add sales tax to determine the total sales amount. The sales amount will then be deducted from the inmate’s account and the total consolidated order will be processed. Upon receipt of the order, the items will be forwarded to the property officer for distribution to the inmate.
Updates to this information will be posted on the Department website.