Research Library:

Our mission is to empower activists, journalists, and policymakers to shape effective criminal justice policy, so we go beyond our original reports and analyses to curate a database of virtually all the empirical criminal justice research available online.

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Some of the most recently added reports are:

Sunday, March 12 2023:

  • High-Frequency Location Data Shows That Race Affects the Likelihood of Being Stopped and Fined for Speeding Pradhi Aggarwal et al. December, 2022. "Relative to a white driver traveling the same speed, minorities are 24 to 33 percent more likely to be stopped for speeding and pay 23 to 34 percent more in fines."
  • The Burden of Court Debt on Washingtonians Vera Institute of Justice. January, 2023. "At least 78 percent of people with legal-financial debt meet the state's indigency standard, yet courts routinely impose fines and fees at conviction averaging $695 for misdemeanor cases and $1,302 for felony cases."
  • Commission to Examine Reestablishing Parole State of Maine Legislature. December, 2022. "The Commission reports on the history and current state of parole in Maine, as well as its recomendations for exploring options to reestablish a parole system in Maine."
  • Over-Incarceration of Native Americans: Roots, Inequities, and Solutions, Safety and Justice Challenge. July, 2022. "Interventions meant to address over-incarceration of Native people should start at the tribal level. Tribes could impact disparity on a national level by providing supportive and restorative services for those involved in their own justice systems."
  • Preempting Progress: States Take Aim at Local Prosecutors, Jorge Camacho et al. January, 2023. "In the past three state legislative sessions, at least 28 preemption bills have been proposed in 16 states to undermine anti-carceral uses of prosecutorial discretion."

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