
Letters From Prison: Hope is a Scarce Commodity

Letters From Prison: Hope is a Scarce Commodity

An excerpt of a letter from Rick in February of 2014, when he was still in county jail, and about six months before he was moved to prison. He writes about his idea to start Adopt an Inmate. I feel as though I am the most well-taken-care-of inmate in Del Valle. Having...

…At least the good ones are

…At least the good ones are

Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash I still can’t believe it. When I think about it, it still feels impossible, but you guys are really gone. Honestly, it is difficult to resist an encroaching sense of bitterness toward a bureaucratic system that failed to take...

Prison Is a Place

Prison Is a Place

Prison is a place I have been for over half my life. I was 21 years-old when I stabbed a man during a fight that I started while drunk in 2001. I am guilty, and prison is a place I have been ever since. Prison is a place where I will turn 44 this month (April of...


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