Wise Communications – New Courses

Written by Eric Burnham

Personal growth, to me, means becoming the person I was designed to be. Iā€™m not too sure where the balance is found between nature and nurture in the formation of my spirit as a unique human being. I do know, however, that Iā€™m just one incarcerated man trying to overcome my past mistakes and make a positive impact on this crazy world. I kind of think thatā€™s what life is all about: taking the bad and using it for good. Eric Burnham #12729124 Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution 2500 Westgate Pendleton OR 97801

May 25, 2024

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

We are happy to share these courses offered by Wise Communications and developed by our featured writer Dr. Eric Burnham.


The information in our home-studies is based upon the finest work done in the field by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, and other leading professionals in the field.

Wise Communications Home Study Programs is pleased to offer several new courses developed by Dr. Eric Burnham for the substance use disorder counseling community from a faith-based perspective.

Emotional Intelligence: A Biblical Foundation for SUD Counselors

This course will equip counselors with an integrated Christian view of Emotional Intelligence. The findings of neuroscience and contemporary psychology will be key areas of focus, but biblical wisdom and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit will be emphasized, showing that when scientific principles and findings are deployed in concert with biblical truths, a grander vision of the human condition becomes clear. This course is designed to build on the skills of a mental health professional, and provide a targeted approach to emotional growth that can be implemented both personally and professionally.

Communication in Substance Use Disorder Counseling

This course encompasses the publication and worksheets in one document, unlike other Wise Communications courses. As communication is critical for Substance Use Disorder counselors, this biblically based course, Communication in Substance Use Disorder Counseling: A Christian View, will explore the counseling and communication topics important to a follower of Christ working in the field of chemical dependency counseling. Developed by Eric Burnham, Ph.D., topics in this course include authentic communication, how to integrate your faith into your counseling, how to improve listening skills, ways to strengthen a scriptural worldview, and looking at the listening element in prayer.

Counselor Wellness for the Substance Use Disorder Counselor

Counseling those who struggle with SUDs can be a formidable endeavor under the best of circumstances, but it can become overwhelming if the counselor does not spend the necessary energy on professional wellness and self-care. The goal of this course is to look at professional and personal wellness through the lens of Scripture.


The intent of these courses is to provide up to date information in concert with a faith-based perspective that can help the Addictions counselor understand how to better serve their clients while simultaneously using their faith in a professional and ethical manner. They are fully written by recovering addict Eric Burnham.


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