Rick Fisk

Father, Son, Brother, Musician, Software Developer, Founder, Executive Director, Wrongly Imprisoned, Paroled, Seeker of Redemption, Finder of Forgiveness. I found my faith in prison and my purpose. I want to help set the captives free, those on the inside and the outside.

Stories: A Cry for Help, Ricky Lee Hefner

We get letters sometimes which break our heart. This one came in through our contact page which we assume must have been posted by a friend. It has been edited for clarity. Besides a cry for help, this is a cautionary tale. Never let the police search your vehicle or...

A Letter from Brandon Daniel – Death Row, Texas

A Letter from Brandon Daniel – Death Row, Texas

This letter from death row came to us through a third party. It's an interesting letter and after reading it one gets a clearer picture than the one the media represented while Brandon Daniel's case was ongoing. It shouldn't need to be said that the police officer who...

Why Long Prison Sentences Don’t Help

Why Long Prison Sentences Don’t Help

Mary Ann MgGivern writes in the National Catholic Reporter: [...]I was on the elevator with one of the governor's aides, who said, "Oh, yes, the governor is committed to addressing mandatory minimums." I said, "For violent crimes?" He said, "Oh, not violent crimes,...

Mercy Works Best: Finland vs. Los Angeles

In Finland, they've reduced homelessness by 35% because they attacked the problem radically. They tried a little bit of mercy. From the Daily Mall: “We decided to make the housing unconditional,” says Kaakinen. “To say, look, you don’t need to solve your problems...

Prison Party Politics

Prison Party Politics

If you are the type of person who doesn’t dwell on dreary details, you rarely consider prison unless it is to wish that an infamous cretin be sent there. Until I came to prison, I hardly thought anything of it. Bad people are stored in prisons until they achieve the...