Rick Fisk

Father, Son, Brother, Musician, Software Developer, Founder, Executive Director, Wrongly Imprisoned, Paroled, Seeker of Redemption, Finder of Forgiveness. I found my faith in prison and my purpose. I want to help set the captives free, those on the inside and the outside.
What Really Matters

What Really Matters

It took several agonizing months of listening to cellmate's stories before I realized that my innocence didn't matter. At fifty-one, I'd had a pretty full life. So, what really matters? This 17-year-old African American boy, arrested in front of school merely because...

Hate Medicine

Hate Medicine

Hate medicine.... We watched him dying. Everyone on our wing had their own diagnosis. “Cirrhosis.” “It’s jaundice. Look at how yellow he is.” “How can you tell? He’s hispanic.” “Next time you get close to him, look at his eyes. They are yellow.” “I bet he has liver...

Letters From Prison: Hope is a Scarce Commodity

Letters From Prison: Hope is a Scarce Commodity

An excerpt of a letter from Rick in February of 2014, when he was still in county jail, and about six months before he was moved to prison. He writes about his idea to start Adopt an Inmate. I feel as though I am the most well-taken-care-of inmate in Del Valle. Having...