Melissa Bee

Jpay to Securus Conversion

Jpay to Securus Conversion

FL, TX, and WA State Adopters: If your adoptee is in TDCJ (Texas state), FDC (Florida Dept. of Corrections), or WA DOC (Washington state), be aware that for emessaging, you're going to be faced with a Jpay to Securus conversion. If you have an existing Jpay account,...

Arizona Prisoner’s Annual Secret Santa Drive

Arizona Prisoner’s Annual Secret Santa Drive

Our dear friend Tricia in Arizona is looking for a little help to brighten the holidays for as many as 40 other prisoners. If you'd like to contribute a few bucks to this cause, just go to our Donate page and note that it's for the AZ Secret Santa Project. Hello...

Our Friend Ryan’s Podcast, The Shakedown

Our Friend Ryan’s Podcast, The Shakedown

Friend of Adopt an Inmate Ryan Forbes has a new podcast, The Shakedown, and it's great! From Law and Order reruns to cold case podcasts, criminal justice has a very well known image in the media. However, is this image accurate? Ryan Forbes spent six years in prison...

Shining a light on the War on Drugs

Shining a light on the War on Drugs

From the Texas Center for Justice & Equality: A new report, Reversing the War on Drugs in Texas, authored by Policy Analyst Sarah Reyes and Director of Policy and Advocacy Alycia Castillo, shares research on who’s actually using drugs in Texas, the harmful...