Jpay to Securus Conversion

jpay to securus conversion

Written by Melissa Bee

February 1, 2023

FL, TX, and WA State Adopters: If your adoptee is in TDCJ (Texas state), FDC (Florida Dept. of Corrections), or WA DOC (Washington state), be aware that for emessaging, you’re going to be faced with a Jpay to Securus conversion. If you have an existing Jpay account, you will be prompted to convert it to Securus when the facility for your contact(s) has made the switch. Your contact(s) and stamps will transfer. See the links below for more information.

Other Jpay articles: Jpay

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  1. Deborah Osborne

    I have been trying for 2 yes 2 years to convert my account. Is there a dummy version?
    I have tried converting from jpay account to securus to allow email communications.

    I called and was told you don’t even handle Tomoko Correctional Facility

    Please guide me

    • Melissa Bee

      Deborah, thanks for commenting. The switch was not rolled out very smoothly and lots of people had trouble. We serve prisoners and families in all 50 states, including Florida. I will email you directly with more information.


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