Shining a light on the War on Drugs

Written by Melissa Bee

April 28, 2022

From the Texas Center for Justice & Equality: A new report, Reversing the War on Drugs in Texas, authored by Policy Analyst Sarah Reyes and Director of Policy and Advocacy Alycia Castillo, shares research on who’s actually using drugs in Texas, the harmful consequences of the drug war, the failures of “just say no” approaches to drug use, and more.

Sarah and Alycia’s report recommendations focus on REAL public health and safety—not the mass criminalization and punishment that have been the status quo since the 1980’s. They include implementing harm reduction, phasing out certain state facilities, expanding health care access, and decriminalizing drug possession (like the marijuana decrim on the ballot in Austin right now). You can read the full report here.

Sarah sat down for a 30-minute radio interview on KBOO-FM; listen here!

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  1. Globaltel

    The data says it all. Thank you for sharing.

  2. JailAid

    The drug war is not easy to end, yet I hope people realize how using drugs ruins many lives. Thank you for sharing great content. Your content is highly appreciated!

    • GlobalTel

      I agree! Still, I am hoping that the war on drugs will end.

  3. JailAid

    It’s worth my time to reread this. It is an engaging content.


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