Visit Room Brochure
Do I Need Safeguard Training?
Why: The NHDOC uses a specific process to approve minor children for visitation in an effort to ensure safety, security and the well-being children and the facility. Residents who are incarcerated for crimes against children or have a history of crimes against children may have visitation privileges with children denied, further restricted, or may be required to have an adult accompanying the minor complete the NHDOC’s safeguard training.
Who: ONLY for residents who have been told that they are required to have a trained chaperone for visiting room purposes. The friend/family member (who would like to bring minor children into a NHDOC Visitation Room)must fill out and send in the Safeguard Training Application availablebelow. Note, whoever completes this training must be an approved visitor and will be the only one permitted to bring in the minor visitors for visits.
What: The Safeguard training provides an overview of the Visiting Room policy & rules, information on how to prepare a child for visitation, grooming behaviors, coercion, offending cycles, and how to report an incident. This also allows an opportunity for Q & A and a tour of the Visiting Room.
When: Classes will be offered quarterly, on Fridays from 1:00-3:00PM Upcoming dates:
2/17/23, 3/17/23, 4/21/23, 5/19/23, 6/16/23, 7/21/23, 8/18/23, 9/22/23, 10/20/23, 11/17/23, 12/15/23
Where: NH State Prison for Men’s Visiting Room waiting area, Concord NH
Safeguard Application