From a prisoner in the Sing Sing facility in New York. Q: Please indicate issues you would like to see addressed in your facility. A: Actually, everything, because management could not run a hot dog cart for a week without going out of business. Clearly they want...
Inmate Contributor

Poetry From Prison: My Momma
Poetry submitted by C.F. Guyton, pictured here with his wife. My Momma My Momma, puts the "El" in "El Shabazz," The love in laughter and the joy in these lonely days of future's past. My Momma; the Hiroshima of Hell's Kitchen. Succulent entrees of deliciousness are...
Letters From Prison: Not Right at All
The letter below is from a Texas prisoner. TDCJ does not pay any of their prisoners for work, so the only way they can purchase items from commissary is if someone on the outside is able to put money on their books. TDCJ provides minimal hygiene items to indigent...
Letters From Prison: A Hard Life
I am 33 years old. I have no family but a brother who is also in prison. I have really had a hard life. I was kidnapped from my grandma by my mom, physically and sexually abused, forced to live and stay in closets, from hotel to hotel, for four months. I was tied down...
Hard Work-Work: Legalized Prison Slave Labor
Today's blog post comes from Shawn Ali Bahrami, who is serving his 20th year in a Texas state prison (since he was 17 years old). Shawn has always proclaimed his innocence, and you can read his story here.) Shawn agreed to write a post for us about the harsh working...
‘To Sleep, Perchance to Dream’ by Philip Brasfield
If you want a good night's sleep in Texas, don't look for it in prison. Finding respite from the constant noise and bright lights in cell blocks and dormitories is increasingly difficult in general population. In special housing areas (Administrative Segregation), it...