Letters From Prison: Late One Night

Written by Inmate Contributor

November 1, 2015

Andrew (see his Halloween card on yesterday’s blog) recently sent us a letter:


Greetings, Sister! First let me tell you my mom and grandmother were all I had. My Grandmother passed away October 22nd, 2010, and my mom passed away December 2, 2010, so I’ve been indigent ever since (you know Texas doesn’t pay inmates to work). I wrote a few of the book places you told me about, thank you for that! I was sitting here thinking about how I could help your organization out. But the reason I wrote is to tell you a story I wrote that really happened to me …

Late One Night

I was lying in bed with the light off, but you can still see! I saw a little rat, so I got up and got a bag, and tied a line on the bag and ran the line over my light, so when I pulled the line, the bag would pop up. I laid the bag down and turned the light off. I lay there forever waiting, until I fell asleep.

That little dude got all the chips and I opened my eyes to see him running out of the bag, with the last chip. I couldn’t help but smile. I put part of a cookie in the bag, and a little later, here he came in the bag! I pulled the line and got him, grabbed the bag, and I was looking at the little dude, and I could see he was looking at me, so I wanted to pet him. I put my hand in the bag, and just as I was about to pet this cute little dude he want all psycho, mad-dog on me, he bit my hand and wouldn’t let go, so I am jumping up and down, trying not to holler.

He let go, and blood ran down my hand. He was still in the bag and I verbally abused him for going all psycho on me … but then got to thinking … all he wanted was some food, and I got in his business. So I let him go.

And now I keep some chips and food by the door just for him. Every night when the light goes off, he’ll go get the food. It brings joy to see him!


AHood rat

If you’d like to write to Andrew, leave a comment or send us an email to get his contact info.

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