Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash Hello to all I the A.I. Universe. I was given an article recently by Katie Rose Quandt and Alexi Jones titled Research Roundup: Incarceration can cause lasting damage to mental health. The article went in depth about the effects of...
Michael Henderson

Daily Prison Life Series: Florida Prisoner Michael Henderson – Hypocrisy v. Positivity
Photo by Altin Ferreira on Unsplash Is it possible to quantify the amount of, or in the case of amerika's prison industrial complex, the lack of positivity? Even in the comparative state, measured against the vast amount of hypocrisy, the lack of positivity equates to...
Daily Prison Life Series: Convoluted
Photo by marianne bos on Unsplash For all the world to see, Hello my fellow travelers in the A.I. Universe, I will be as plain spoken about about the issues concerning incarcerated persons as I can. Sometimes I may have to backtrack to clarify things because this...
Daily Prison Life Series: Who Polices Whom
Edvard Munch's iconic painting 'The Scream' Hello AI Family, Have you ever been refused access to use the toilet? I mean without being held in a hostage situation like a bank robbery or a kidnapping. A very rare event. But even victims of those circumstances report...
Daily Prison Life Series: How To Fix What We Refuse To Acknowledge Is Broken
In a real world of problems and solutions it is generally practiced to recognize where a problem exists and to seek a resolution to the problem. Enter the incredibly inaptly named world of the Florida Department Of Corrections. The misnomer doesn't only stem from the...
Something’s Wrong In The World Today
I don't mind admitting that this is pure commentary and that I've done no actual research in the composition of this article save my own experience. The primary question I would like to pose is this,'' Why doesn't the establishment want our society to heal?'' Given...
Book Review – Not A Crime To Be Poor by Peter Edelman
I would like to present a book review / follow up to my latest post as my actual follow up was censured by the folks who don't like the light to shine in their little corner of inhumanity. Again, and as always, my hope is to bring about as many minds as can be...
Daily Prison Life Series: Florida Prisoner Michael Henderson
Continuing education in the Daily Life series would be incomplete without a lesson on the so-called health care that's not provided in the Florida prison system. I know from reading extensively about the health care management companies that this issue is not unique...
Daily life of a Prisoner in Florida
We will be periodically publishing posts for this series from Michael Henderson, a Florida prisoner serving a life sentence. Michael will be sharing about conditions of confinement, and the stressors imposed by an overwhelmingly failing bureaucratic behemoth. Like...
Who Decides Who Gets The Virus?
This is not a trick question, and there are no prizes for placing at the top of the list. But as I read articles from around the country in regard to the ever-increasing numbers of newly infected persons, and hear next-to-nothing about prisoners, it stands to reason...