Rory Andes

We all have a powerful story and I’m no different. My name is Rory and I have a story of hope that I want to tell you. I’m a combat veteran of Iraq who’s had my own life challenges but I work hard at promoting a better life, especially in the face of my shortcomings. I’m a writer for and I just started blogging a couple of years ago. I enjoy the human condition and how people repair their own broken lives. It’s become a passion for me. I have other interests too! I’m a quilter, a public speaker and I’m extremely driven to find the very best in people. I work intently with veteran’s issues because there are more of us in prison than I’d like to admit. My favorite work is done with the University of Washington on special projects with students. I serve my prison community as a peer reentry facilitator to help people reclaim their freedoms. I love a great joke, a good book and I can cook. I like a brilliant movie and I’m into all types of music. I’m a trivia hound and I like questions. I’m sensitive and empathic and people mean the world to me. I’m a deeply social person who wants to build my network beyond prison and I want you to know me. I really want to know you! I hope we can connect and strike up a wonderful conversation.
I Tested Covid Punitive

I Tested Covid Punitive

On January 23rd I took a Covid PCR test and, because of the absolute mismanagement of the Covid response in our prison, I tested "Covid Punitive." I had been going to work, taking rapid tests to get in, for almost 2 weeks without incident (including the time of the...

The Obstacle Is The Way

The Obstacle Is The Way

I recently read a book by Ryan Holiday titled The Obstacle is the Way, where he really digs into stoicism and how to bravely face adversity, a struggle, and use it to create something more. One chapter that struck me talked about "love everything." I really had to sit...

He’s Like That Because He’s Broken

He’s Like That Because He’s Broken

Everyone knows of him. He's the guy with the white beard. He's in his late 50's and still manages a pony tail that he can braid. Some guys are envious of his hair. He carries a comb in his back pocket like a kid from last century. He talks about his mom like she's his...