Families Pay The Price

Families Pay The Price

We often hear of the exorbitant costs to operate prisons. State budgets are stretched thin and perpetually strained in order to incarcerate tens of thousands of people, for many years at a time. But other costs are absorbed by the casualties of incarceration that...

Simply Human

  This past Friday (also known as Good Friday) I volunteered to work in the visiting room. I'd been asked--along with several others--to man the table set up with freshly brewed coffee, assorted flavors of creamer, sugar, tea, instant cocoa, and all the utensils...

What Keeps Me Going

What keeps me going is knowing that I'll be able to talk to my fiancee by phone everyday. Prior to coming to prison, I didn't value the simple pleasure of communicating with someone about daily routine activities, our thoughts, concerns, and everything in...