Florida DOC announces Jpay services beginning Spring 2018

Written by Melissa Bee

October 29, 2017


The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) is in the process of implementing a new service for our inmate population. Through JPay Inc., a Florida–based company, the Department will make available a variety of multimedia services to inmates through both an interactive kiosk, available in each general population housing unit, and secure tablets. These services are geared toward enhancing family connections, expanding educational opportunities, and incentivizing positive inmate behavior at no cost to the Florida taxpayer.

FDC will implement kiosk services in all major correctional institutions, annexes, work camps, re–entry centers, and Department–operated Community Release Centers throughout the state. Implementation of kiosks began in August 2017, with a projected completion date in the Spring of 2018. Upon completion of the kiosk implementation, secure tablets will be made available for purchase. (projected Spring 2018). Educational content, including JPay’s Learning Management System (LMS) Lantern LMS and Khan Academy Lite videos will be available.

Additional services include:

Kiosk Services Tablet Options
Secure Email, including pictures Educational Content (including JPay’s Learning Management System (LMS) Lantern LMS and Khan Academy Lite videos)
Video Visitation Movies (available for rental)
Electronic Greeting Cards eBooks and Audio Books
Video Grams Games
Link to Employ Florida Marketplace job search Video Grams
Music (MP3/MP4)

Video Visitation

Video visitation will be offered at the cost of $2.95 per 15-minute session, making it a very affordable option for inmates who want more access to their families, and competitive with the rates in other states.

Secure Mail

Secure Mail is available to inmates at a cost of $0.39/stamp, with one stamp purchasing one email. This is $0.10 cheaper than the cost of a first-class postage stamp, currently at $0.49. The cost of Secure Mail covers the cost of the infrastructure to support it and monitoring of the messages for safety and security purposes.


All inmates who currently have a digital music player, through an existing contract with Keefe Commissary Network, are eligible receive a free JP5mini tablet, along with a $10 credit to apply to media purchases. All other inmates will have an opportunity to purchase either the JP5mini (4.3” tablet) for $79.99 or the JP5S (7” tablet) for $129.99. Additionally, for the first 60 days after implementation at their institution, inmates can purchase tablets for a 50% discount.

Each secure tablet will come with complementary content, provided at no additional cost to the inmate, including several games, 100 classic eBooks, relaxation music, and access to educational content including Khan Academy Lite videos and GED preparation. The cost of games, movies, ebooks, audiobooks, and music will vary depending on the item purchased, similar to how prices in online stores like Apple iTunes and Google Play vary.

The Department is committed to ensuring that services provided to inmates are offered at a fair and reasonable cost that maximizes the use and benefits of these services. Through careful monitoring and a clear contract, this partnership with JPay, Inc. has the potential to modernize programming for inmates and provide the Department a delivery channel for future innovative programming ideas.

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  1. Jewie Tryon

    I find it odd that this older article states that the FDOC will introduce video visitation the the sprint of 2018 and then this week the FDOC sends out a memo that they plan to cut our contact visitation in half because of contraband and lack of staff starting in , you guessed it, April 7 2018 (spring of 2018)
    We have a petition with over 4,550 signatures and counting at change.org – search Stop FDOC from taking visit time. We also plan to boycott all funds to jpay and the purchase of tablets canteen whatever it takes if they take our visits. You cannot replace getting to hold your loved ones hand or a father holing his baby with a tablet!

    • Didi Petersen

      Just want to say Thank You Jewie for being our voice and taking the initiative to motivate us to stand up and fight for what is right. We are trying to teach our children less video time, more family time and now the DOC is wanting to take that away. Are they truly promoting family time importance as they claim in every letter they write and every post they make…NO they are doing just the opposite. I am offering my time to helping you in any way needed. Again, thank you and God bless you.

    • Colleen

      Yes you may have a good point, BUT,
      Since there was such a outcry of cutting visitation times, they are MOVING loved ones out of range for loved ones to be able to travel to visit!

  2. Joesmom

    can someone please tell me when they are going the spring care packages? My son went into Lake Correctional in November, and I want to order him a radio and shoes, etc. The websites still show the Winter packages or only private locations. Am I missing something? Thanks

    • Verniver Robinson

      Please let me know when you find out, I also need this information to order some things for my husband.

  3. Diana Sexton

    My fiance was sentenced to fdoc this week. How often can he have video visitation?? I just got off probation will they allow me to have video visitation with him?? Any information would be a great help. Thank you

    • Melissa Brown

      The FL DOC website has information about visiting here and here. The first link contains information about the application process (in the right column, click on “How Do I Apply For Visitation?” The same page (at bottom of right column) says this: “The warden at each facility has the final approval or disapproval authority for each visitation request. (See the Statewide Facility Directory for contact information).

  4. Tabitha rodriguez

    My husbands birthday is coming up..is there any way I can send a care package or a basket of snacks??..if so,what website can I find it at or order from? Thank You!

    • Melissa Brown

      The only thing I can find on the website about packages right now is this.

  5. shelby

    My fiancé said they have passed out memos in his dorm saying video visitation is now up and running and you can buy the tablets for them, but when I go on Jpay.com and try to sign up for video visitation, it says the inmate you have selected is not eligible for video visitation, and it isn’t just him, it’s everyone I have on my contact list on Jpay, even two people at other financial institutions, anyone know what’s up with that?

    • Gemma Estrilla

      -Shelby- Jpay tablets for Florida inmates can be purchased beginning Friday, August 15th.

    • Kay Howard

      In Florida tablets can be purchased through Jpay, beginning Friday August 17.

      • TABITHA

        I tried to click the purchase tablet button, it kicks a message back saying my husband already owns one and I can’t purchase this item??? Ummm he does not own anything but a Mp4…what is going on!? Help please

        • Patty

          I had the same problem. I had to put money in his account and he had to transfer it to a media account to,purchase the tablet.

    • Pam

      Not all facilities actually have video visitation. Most that do are county not State. I prefer my in person visit.

  6. Patti Griswold

    When I go to my JPay account it says nothing about tablets being available???

  7. Jerri

    Does anyone happen to know if the women’s Gadsden Correctional Facility will be able to do the Jpay e-mails? I know they are a private facility but when I left at the end of August 2018 they had started recalling all of the mp4 players from Access and replacing them with the Jpay tablets. Anyone have any information???

    • Melissa Brown

      The Jpay availability map shows GCF currently has videograms, sending $, and music; and Gadsden Reentry has all that plus email and video visitation. It has taken some facilities longer than others to get all services in place, so presumably email will be available soon. All the links for mail, visitation, phone, etc., are broken on the Gadsden page since FDC changed their website URLs.


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