Kiwanis Club

Written by Melissa Bee

February 21, 2016

I was honored to be invited to speak at our local Kiwanis Club about Adopt an Inmate earlier this month. Kiwanis club members stage nearly 150,000 service projects and raise nearly $100 million every year for communities, families and projects.

kiwanis program

Items brought to share with the members, as seen below, included inmate artwork, books written by current and former inmates that we correspond and/or work with, a week’s worth of mail (in the green basket, 243 letters that week), and some handmade crocheted items by inmates in Oregon involved in the Crochet for Community program (more on that in a future blog post).

kiwanis display

We look forward to more opportunities to share our story, and thank the Fern Ridge Kiwanis Club for their invitation.

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