Poetry From Prison: Angel Dedication

Hello Angels,

I received this beautiful poem from Michael and want to dedicate it to all of you. My title would be, “Ode to Angels.” Love & Light!  


Ode to a Friendship

I shed a tear
When I thought no one could see,
I couldn’t imagine
Your words were for me.

I shed a tear
Deep in the night,
So no one could hear
As I put up the fight
To not slip away
Far from the light.

This part of my sojourn;
If lived by the sword,
Could sever the lines
To the life that I long.

But you share your words,
That keeps me moored.
There’s no question of might,
The pen or the sword.

So I’ll live each day
As if I were done,
In the secret of life;
That we’re all one.

And yes,
I’ll shed more tears.
But I won’t be as coy,
Because of your words
They’ll be tears of joy.

Michael Henderson, Florida

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