Everything we do revolves around the mail, and opening our post office box is a daily adventure. This week, we received a...
Hate Mail: It’s All Over The Map by Michael Henderson
Hello Everyone! I love that I get to learn something new every day no matter where I am in life or actuality. Today I learned...
Mail Fail
So many people who become incarcerated have no idea that just because we are behind the fences doesn't mean that we have no...
Florida DOC announces Jpay services beginning Spring 2018
Link The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) is in the process of implementing a new service for our inmate population....
One of Them
Dear Potential Adopter, I want to thank you for taking this first step. For most of my life I believed what the media and...
Cards, Letters and Jail Shenanigans
Regardless of the typical squabbles between siblings, my brother has always been someone I've looked up to — it's even fair to...
Winter 2017 Quarterly E-Newsletter
This publication was created for you – family members, friends, and advocates of prisoners. In each issue you will find useful...
Hate Mail: End hateful prison mailroom practices
People hate us. It sounds melodramatic, but it is true nonetheless. We’re hated by each other, by people on the outside, and by...
We Love Our Volunteers!
This month at AI we’re coordinating with many of our angel volunteers to get holiday greetings out to prisoners all around the...
Urgent: December Fundraiser Update
Thanks to our supporters on both sides of the wall, we are less than $600 away from our goal of $3,000 for our website...