Walls Turned Sideways: Artists Confront the Justice System

Written by Melissa Bee

September 9, 2018

The Texas Observer reports on a compelling exhibit at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH) titled Walls Turned Sideways. “Named after an epigram by Angela Davis — ‘Walls turned sideways are bridges’ — the show includes the work of 42 artists and artist collectives from across the country, many of them current or former prisoners. The multimedia exhibition, on display until January 6, is accompanied by an ambitious, 464-page catalog containing essays by dozens of scholars, artists and activists.”

The project was five years in the making, by freelance curator Risa Pulei. “I wanted to focus on artists who were using their art strategically to show us something we didn’t know,” Puleo says. “I’m not an activist, I’m not a lawyer. I’m a curator. So what is the thing that only art can do?”

Admission is free. On display August 25, 2018 – January 6, 2019

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