We Love Our Volunteers!

Written by Melissa Bee

December 14, 2016

This month at AI we’re coordinating with many of our angel volunteers to get holiday greetings out to prisoners all around the country.

Thanks to everyone who is helping in this effort, including Jen at Inmates Matter Too (and her volunteers), and many of our adopters, including our friend Ashley Asti (visit her shop for organic and ethical skin care products this month, and 20% of your purchase goes to charity).



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  1. Jess

    Please help my friend whose in FCI Pekin. His belongings on the outside; aren’t being sold for him and he’s struggling horribly. I have no access to help that cause, but I’m doing my very best to stay a positive support and best friend to him. Thank you. I hope I posted this correctly.

    • Melissa Brown

      We are taking a hiatus from new requests, in order to catch up with a huge backlog. We are targeting January 1, 2019 to start taking new requests again. Check back here for updates. Once we start accepting new requests again, inmates can send us a request to be added to the waiting list (if possible please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the inmate’s return address) and we will reply with an introductory letter and a survey to complete. Alternatively friends or loved ones can print the survey and introductory letter from the website and send directly to an inmate *after January 1, 2019*.


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