Eric Burnham

Personal growth, to me, means becoming the person I was designed to be. I’m not too sure where the balance is found between nature and nurture in the formation of my spirit as a unique human being. I do know, however, that I’m just one incarcerated man trying to overcome my past mistakes and make a positive impact on this crazy world. I kind of think that’s what life is all about: taking the bad and using it for good. Eric Burnham #12729124 Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution 2500 Westgate Pendleton OR 97801
…At least the good ones are

…At least the good ones are

Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash I still can’t believe it. When I think about it, it still feels impossible, but you guys are really gone. Honestly, it is difficult to resist an encroaching sense of bitterness toward a bureaucratic system that failed to take...

Prison Is a Place

Prison Is a Place

Prison is a place I have been for over half my life. I was 21 years-old when I stabbed a man during a fight that I started while drunk in 2001. I am guilty, and prison is a place I have been ever since. Prison is a place where I will turn 44 this month (April of...

Eric Needs Our Help

Eric Needs Our Help

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash Many of our followers are familiar with Eric, who is a frequent contributor to our blog. Read below to learn more about his moving story. The world loves people who help themselves, and now Eric needs some support from the world. Please...

From GED to PhD

From GED to PhD

Photo by Taha Mazandarani on Unsplash I have been incarcerated for over twenty years now, a lifetime for many. When I was 21-years-old, I took a man's life in a fight that I started. Yet, while I unquestionably deserve to be in prison, I never wanted to be a man who...

A Dash Defined

A Dash Defined

As of August 2021, I have officially completed my PhD program. I have earned a Doctorate of Philosophy in Counseling and Psychology, with an emphasis on the integration of psychology and theology. I have reached the apex of academic achievement, and I have done it...

Doing Time Well

Doing Time Well

Doing time in prison is a universally difficult experience, and the overwhelming majority of those incarcerated came in totally unprepared for life on the inside. As a result, most come out worse than when they went in, but a few defy the odds and overcome the prison...

Excessive Noise

Excessive Noise

We live in extremely hard times. The last year was certainly one of the more daunting of my life. The theme of 2020 was "If it can be shaken, it will be shaken." And the theme of 2021 may be "transition." Yet, whether or not 2021 turns out to be a year of growth...

Unexpected Insight

Unexpected Insight

Faith is the essence of being. Everyone has faith. Whether theistic, pantheistic, or atheistic, everyone believes in something, and faith perspectives stack exponentially. I mean, we must have faith in not only the legitimacy of our faith, but also how each...

There Are No Words

There Are No Words

A legend lives no more. Tragically, Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter, and 7 other souls lost their lives in a horrific helicopter accident. The Mamba is gone! I'm not an L.A. Lakers fan, but there are no word to express how I feel about the passing of Kobe, how...