Inmate Contributor

Out of Sight – Out of Mind

Out of Sight – Out of Mind

Photo by Boudewijn Huysmans on Unsplash There are many ideas of what it is like to be incarcerated. I have often heard people say they would not be able to cope if they were ever "Put Away," and to be honest, I, too, thought as much before my lock up. But come to find...

The Nicest Lady in Town

The Nicest Lady in Town

BY: Jeremy in Louisiana Have you ever spoke with someone, heard their voice, and immediately knew that they were a part of you? The words they said, the tears they shed, every syllable could have been you when you were eleven, talking to your 30 year old self over the...

An All-Around Contradiction: Isadore White

An All-Around Contradiction: Isadore White

I've been a longtime doormat — I'm the youngest of nine. If someone tells me I'm being untruthful I can show them my scars. It would help me greatly to write appropriately, but I would rather my pieces be a place where I can bleed my abstractions. I've been abused by...

One of Them

One of Them

Dear Potential Adopter, I want to thank you for taking this first step. For most of my life I believed what the media and television wanted me to believe. Everyone convicted by the courts is a criminal and should be thrown in prison. The keys should be tossed into a...