Washington State – 2022 Legislation

Written by Inmate Contributor

November 20, 2021

DOC #772708/C-D01
Clallam Bay Corrections Center
1830 Eagle Crest Way
Clallam Bay, WA. 98326

My Family and Friends,

Thank you to Jules at the Critical Resistance-Portland I have this mission to join and see to the end.

The last piece “Defund DOC and Decarcerate Now!” I posted last year was written to push those Senate and House Bills to be passed. We didn’t get the love we needed to get them all the way through. Not regarding any of the sentencing issues, but I’m writing up a revised piece right now, and next year all of these Bills are going back up to the legislative during sessions. I need my family to push this shit for me and the prisoner population in Washington State:

#1) House Bill 1344 – Requires resentencing for people convicted as emerging adults (under 25 – that’s me)
#2) House Bill 1282 – Restoration of a universal 33% earned time accrual rate (this puts me out on my original case March 30th. 2022)
#3) House Bill1169 – 33% Earned time on enhancements and limiting stacking of enhancement (same as #2 for me)
#4) Senate Bill 5413 – Restrictions on use of Solitary Confinement
#5) House Bill 1413 –  No use of juvenile points in adult sentencing (with other bills above puts me out NOW!)
#6) Senate Bill 5036 – Expansion of clemency and extraordinary medical placement

We got some love on education bills, graduated reentry, and voting rights, also the guys struck out on Robbery 2°, so we made some headway, but this coming year we need to push hard. Please vote, petition your legislature, and outside these courthouses and legislative buildings and DOC Headquarters to #FreeThemAll-WA, and join the Critical Resistance-Seattle, because the Resistance IS Critical my Family and Friends. Please get involved, and know that this Revolution to Dismantle, Change, and Rebuild this corrupt money pit called DOC is just getting started.

It’s time to Liberate our country from the 11th, and 13th Amendments.

Dismantle! Change!! Rebuild!!!
Critical Resistance-Seattle
C. Walter Weber
Tiller of the Earth

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