Do murderers cry? No one has ever asked me. I became one twenty years ago through denial. Sixteen might seem too young to have demons, but it isn't, and when I turned my back on them, they pounced on me. I hadn't cried for years before I became a murderer, but I did...
Inmate Contributor

Poetry From Prison: The Walls of Jericho
Submitted by Larry, an inmate on Death Row in Pennsylvania fighting for his exoneration.
Poetry From Prison: The Woman
This is our first post from Larry, an inmate on Death Row in Pennsylvania fighting for his exoneration. Watch for more of his work here on our blog. The Woman Her mysterious strength within carries an aura of sea water whispers not dreams. Upon her face are two...
Letters From Prison: Mercy Precedes Healing
Submission to: The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth Pride precedes destruction, and so every teenager dwells on the doorstep of disaster. I lived it; I was 16, an honor-roll student with loving parents and no criminal record. But I had serious emotional...
Letters From Prison: Prison & Kids by Tod Bailey
Ainsworth, Michael. Retrieved February 27, 2016 from The Steep Cost of Keeping Juveniles in Adult Prisons [Online image]. No mother or father would ever expect their child to go to prison. Mine didn't. First off, people need to know exactly how easy it is...
Poetry From Prison: I Loved You From… the Start
Submitted by C.F. Guyton, pictured below with his wife. I loved you from Day One And on Day Two I made it my mission To be wed to you. As far as Day Three goes It was signed, sealed and delivered By angels in the Heavens. And at Day Four, we'd love from Ceiling to...
Letters From Prison: Be On Purpose
Our friend Shawn is serving his 21st year in a Texas prison for a crime he did not commit. Shawn is one of my personal adoptees, and writes to me often. We also speak on the phone a few times a month. His letters, like the one below, always begin with several...
Poetry From Prison: One Final Chance
I Wish Someone Would Pray For Me by R. Tillman
Letters From Prison: Late One Night
Andrew (see his Halloween card on yesterday's blog) recently sent us a letter: Melissa, Greetings, Sister! First let me tell you my mom and grandmother were all I had. My Grandmother passed away October 22nd, 2010, and my mom passed away December 2, 2010, so I've been...
Letters From Prison: The Price of Stupidity
by Frank E. Page Sr. The first officer that any male who goes to prison in the state of Alabama will meet is known as "Michael Jordan.” This is not his real name, but the nickname given him many years ago as he looks like a shrunken version of the more famous...