Ronald Clark, Jr.

Ronald W.Clark Jr. #812974 Union Corr. Inst. PO Box 1000 Raiford, Fl. 32083
Solitary Confinement

Solitary Confinement

Physical mental and emotional torture. That's what solitary confinement amounts to. And is this just my opinion from my own personal experience? No this is scientifically proven. What I'm about to share is scientific testimony out of case law, which you can find on...

Three Hots and a Cot

Three Hots and a Cot

"You've got three hots and a cot, the state provides everything you need!" I've heard people say that on TV, and I've received letters in which people have told me that. But that's a delusional belief. Let me show you. Number one, the state of Florida doesn't provide...



Another person's death, murder by the state, brought someone peace? Wow. I've heard it before, so it shouldn't surprise me, but every time I hear that it does. It makes me step back and wonder how anyone can get satisfaction from the suffering and death of any living...

Solitary Confinement

Solitary Confinement

Physical mental and emotional torture. That's what solitary confinement amounts to. Is this just my opinion from my own personal experience? No - this is scientifically proven. What I'm about to share is scientific testimony out of case law, which you can find on any...