One of Them
Dear Potential Adopter, I want to thank you for taking this first step. For most of my life I believed what the media and television wanted me to believe. Everyone convicted by the courts is a criminal and should be thrown in prison. The keys should be tossed into a...
More Than A Number
Inmate 1-2-6-6-4-1-7-5 — that's my other "name." The name I'm forced to answer to on a regular basis lest I be found in disobedience of a direct order by refusing to answer to a state-issued number, insisting on being called by the name my parents gave me at birth. In...
Letters From Prison: I am no longer intimidated
Support for people who have been convicted of a crime is not a popular cause - but only because we're not looking at it from the proper perspective. Support does not mean providing cable tv, video games, and haute cuisine - it means humane treatment and care,...
Letters From Death Row: You Have Friends Here
I'm still feeling a little down about last week's execution. They killed Mark Asay on the 24th. I had honestly expected him to get a stay. Florida was using a new drug, etomidate. Mark was the guinea pig. I sincerely believe the courts would let them shoot us full of...
Letter To My Younger Self
Dear Martin, I write to you from the other side — the side that awaits you if you don’t change your course of action soon. I know you are going through an extremely difficult time right now as you seek independence while trying to figure out your identity. Most...
The Four Agreements – Part Three of a Five Part Series
We’re excited to offer the third in Eric Burnham’s five-part series on "The Four Agreements," by bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz. In the book, Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec...