Newsday: About Prison Reform
Spotted in today's Newsday: my letter to the editor about prison reform. While some of my words were eclipsed or altered, I'm grateful for being given the space to share the importance of treating all people as human beings and worthy of respect, support, and...
NEWS: FCC Approves Modified Phone Rate Caps to Bring Financial Relief for Prisonersā Families
PRESS RELEASE Human Rights Defense Center For Immediate Release August 4, 2016 FCC Approves Modified Phone Rate Caps to Bring Financial Relief for Prisonersā Families Washington, D.C. ā Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted modified rate caps for...
Letters From Prison: Welfare Check Please
Here is a touching letter from an inmate in Texas who is worried about a fellow inmate he met during transit - which means he likely spent a week or less with him. #InmatesAreHuman
Update: Yvette Louisell
We blogged about Yvette last August, and are can now report that she has been approved for work-release. Des Moines Register story here, see text below. For the first time in almost 28 years, convicted murderer Yvette Louisell soon will live outside the walls of...
AI Quarterly E-Newsletter: Summer 2016
Hot off the presses, the AI Newsletter Summer 2016. This publication was created for you - family members, friends, and advocates of prisoners. In each issue you will find useful resources for and from inmates; artwork, stories, and recommendations from both adopters...
Review of The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
I'll admit, when I first heard the title of this best-selling book, I, as a black man, was taken aback. I scoffed at the notion that anyone could attempt to make a sound case for comparing the atrocious Jim Crow segregation laws of the 50s and 60s with today's ā...