Quarterly Newsletter – Fall 2015
We're thrilled to announce the first issue of our online quarterly newsletter, created especially for family members, friends, and advocates of prisoners. To be added to the mailing list, enter your email in the sidebar to the right. Thank you, Connie Bergstrom, for...
Handmade Card
This card was handmade by a prisoner. It takes up to six hours to create one of these intricately folded pop-up cards. You might wonder what the cost is. The prison artist charges one soup, which costs about a quarter.
Inmate Art
This beautiful work is by our friend Allen Fong, a California inmate. Allen is also the contributor of our Welcome banner featured at the top of the blog page. Thank you Allen!
Book Review – The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg should be on every prisoner's books-to-read wish list. Forming good habits, changing old habits, reducing bad habits - are all much easier when you understand how habits are formed in our brain stem's ancient 'lizard brain' area...
Be Courageous
This is from Randy in Texas, who is looking for a Christian family to adopt him. A description of myself is thus: I am 31 years old, 6'2", 200 lbs., dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, with several tattoos. I regret every tattoo that I ever got. I've nothing against...
Calling all Angels – Stamp Donations Needed!
An easy and inexpensive way to help! Postage is our biggest expense, along with ink, paper, and envelopes. Please consider donating a book of stamps by mailing them in*, or by clicking on the donation button at the top of the sidebar on the right. A book of 20 stamps...