
Audio – Prison Count and Schedule

To follow up on Philip Brasfield's piece posted yesterday, "To Sleep, Perchance to Dream," about sleep deprivation in prison, this is audio of Rick (via phone), also currently in TDCJ, describing the daily schedule and count procedure. Keep in mind that they go to...

Yvette Louisell – Parole Hearing

Yvette Louisell is one of our adoptees. She was a 17-year old University of Iowa student when she was sentenced to life without parole. She turned 44 in the Iowa Correctional Institute for Woman (ICIW) last July 5th. Because of the work of Brian Stevenson and his...

Cards from Inmates

If you've written to an inmate for any length of time, chances are you've received a card, similar to the ones above. Cartoon characters are a popular subject for artists on the inside. Because no cash is allowed in prison, inmates will trade goods from commissary or...


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