A Dash Defined
As of August 2021, I have officially completed my PhD program. I have earned a Doctorate of Philosophy in Counseling and Psychology, with an emphasis on the integration of psychology and theology. I have reached the apex of academic achievement, and I have done it...
Book Review – Not A Crime To Be Poor by Peter Edelman
I would like to present a book review / follow up to my latest post as my actual follow up was censured by the folks who don't like the light to shine in their little corner of inhumanity. Again, and as always, my hope is to bring about as many minds as can be...
Doing Time Well
Doing time in prison is a universally difficult experience, and the overwhelming majority of those incarcerated came in totally unprepared for life on the inside. As a result, most come out worse than when they went in, but a few defy the odds and overcome the prison...
Daily Prison Life Series: Florida Prisoner Michael Henderson
Continuing education in the Daily Life series would be incomplete without a lesson on the so-called health care that's not provided in the Florida prison system. I know from reading extensively about the health care management companies that this issue is not unique...
Daily life of a Prisoner in Florida
We will be periodically publishing posts for this series from Michael Henderson, a Florida prisoner serving a life sentence. Michael will be sharing about conditions of confinement, and theĀ stressors imposed by an overwhelmingly failing bureaucratic behemoth. Like...
Stories: A Cry for Help, Ricky Lee Hefner
We get letters sometimes which break our heart. This one came in through our contact page which we assume must have been posted by a friend. It has been edited for clarity. Besides a cry for help, this is a cautionary tale. Never let the police search your vehicle or...