IMPORTANT NOTICE We receive over 1,000 pieces of mail each month, and are currently overwhelmed with requests from inmates and...
Missing Emails
We recently discovered an issue with our email that was preventing delivery of some messages. If you have attempted to contact...
AI Spring 2017 Quarterly E-Newsletter
So much news this quarter! After some technical snags we are back on schedule with the newsletter. You won't want to miss this...
Update: Shawn Ali Bahrami
Yesterday I received a letter from our friend and featured writer Shawn Ali Bahrami. Notice the note at bottom left: Read the...
Website Launch With Help From Inmates – Press Release
Cards, Letters and Jail Shenanigans
Regardless of the typical squabbles between siblings, my brother has always been someone I've looked up to — it's even fair to...
A Small Sampling of Rick’s Music
My brother is a fine artist, gifted in many ways which are all being wasted while locked into a broken system we could not save...
Mutual Gifts
We are so pleased to partner with Ashley Asti. Ashley creates organic custom skin and body oils to honor the skin and...
Winter 2017 Quarterly E-Newsletter
This publication was created for you – family members, friends, and advocates of prisoners. In each issue you will find useful...
We Love Our Volunteers!
This month at AI we’re coordinating with many of our angel volunteers to get holiday greetings out to prisoners all around the...