Thanks to our supporters on both sides of the wall, we are less than $600 away from our goal of $3,000 for our website...
Neither Snow Nor Rain …
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="7"] Everyone at AI headquarters and all our volunteers are pulling together to help get some of the...
Happy Thanksgiving
Leah and I are using the holiday to put in a solid four days of work to clear out some of the back log of mail. About 11:00, we...
Update: Website Fundraiser – 7 days left
Inmate Fundraiser Update: We have seven days to make a payment of $750.00 to our dream web-design team. Prisoners, whose average...
Adopt an Inmate Needs Your Help
There’s good news and bad news … Many of you are aware of our website re-design which is underway. We were lucky enough to find...
Fall 2016 Quarterly E-Newsletter
Click on the image to open the PDF. Enter your email in the sidebar to the right and receive each new issue in your email. This...
AI Quarterly E-Newsletter: Summer 2016
Hot off the presses, the AI Newsletter Summer 2016. This publication was created for you - family members, friends, and...
Calling All Angels: Stamps, please!
We are working night and day on a few projects - one of which is catching up with a significant backlog of mail. We owe several...
Poetry From Prison: Angel Dedication
Hello Angels, I received this beautiful poem from Michael and want to dedicate it to all of you. My title would be, "Ode to...
Leah’s List: Do All Things With Love
You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. Literally, the world would not spin in exactly the same way...