This book was enjoyable from multiple standpoints. It was engaging and personable. It was compelling and sad. In short, it evoked a range of emotions that made it a memorable read. The author, Wes Moore, keeps his readers engrossed by juxtaposing his story--beginning...
Review of Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
Perhaps the number one goal humans pursue is love, but coming in at a very close second has to be the pursuit to find meaning; to devote oneself to a purpose that validates their existence in some way. This 150-page book depicts in great detail, page after page, how...
Letters From Prison: Prison & Kids by Tod Bailey
Ainsworth, Michael. Retrieved February 27, 2016 from The Steep Cost of Keeping Juveniles in Adult Prisons [Online image]. No mother or father would ever expect their child to go to prison. Mine didn't. First off, people need to know exactly how easy it is...
Review of Marlon James’s A Brief History of Seven Killings
Empires leave indelible marks on their conquests. Decades after they leave, voluntarily or not, their influence is still felt. Take Jamaica, for instance.Its natural resources and people had been plundered by the British for centuries. Even after slavery was finally...
The Power of A Letter
Adjusting to prison is no easy feat. I liken it to being put on an airplane, blindfolded, taken to a remote location somewhere on this vast earth, and dropped off in a foreign land with no resources. You are left with nothing but your own wits and inherent ability to...
The Agony of a Visit
No doubt, perhaps the highlight of any inmate's day, week, or month is when his/her name is called for a visit. This is the time (in most prisons, I believe) when inmates are able to finally have the much needed physical contact with the people who mean the most to...
Rick’s Review of Martin Lockett’s Palpable Irony
We introduced you to our friend Martin Lockett in a previous blog post. We are thrilled to say that Martin will be a regular contributor both here and in our quarterly newsletter. Do yourself a favor and get this book! —♦— Good people make mistakes. Martin Lockett is...
Poetry From Prison: I Loved You From… the Start
Submitted by C.F. Guyton, pictured below with his wife. I loved you from Day One And on Day Two I made it my mission To be wed to you. As far as Day Three goes It was signed, sealed and delivered By angels in the Heavens. And at Day Four, we'd love from Ceiling to...
Letters From Prison: Be On Purpose
Our friend Shawn is serving his 21st year in a Texas prison for a crime he did not commit. Shawn is one of my personal adoptees, and writes to me often. We also speak on the phone a few times a month. His letters, like the one below, always begin with several...
My Rock Bottom
It was a frigid Tuesday morning in January when the van I rode in pulled up to the prison in eastern Oregon. From a distance it resembled more of an insane asylum than a prison, with its dingy-colored concrete exterior and brick-colored metal rooftop. Intimidating,...