Lady Lifers Chorus

Written by Melissa Bee

July 14, 2015

Here we highlight the Lady Lifers Chorus.
Pennsylvania leads the country in the number of lifers that were sentenced as juveniles – nearly 500 – who will never see the outside of a prison.

The nine women in this chorus have each served 27 to 40 years, for a combined total of  293 years. 

Beginning at 05:46, the ladies state their inmate number, time served to date, name, and place of birth, ending with the words, “this is not my home.”

Be an angel, send a letter.

To address the envelope: write the inmate’s name and number on the top line, followed by the name and address of the facility. Clearly write your name and address in the upper left hand corner of the envelope. 

Inmate Name & Number
SCI Muncy
P.O. Box 180

Muncy, PA 17756

Brenda Watkins #OO8106 (29 years)
Thelma Nichols #OB2472 (27 years)
Danielle Hadley #OO8494 (27 years)
Theresa Battles #OO8309 (27 years)
Debra Brown #OO7080 (30 years)
Joanne Butler #OO5961 (37 years)
Diane Metzger #OO5634 (39 years)
Lena Brown #OO4867 (40 years)
Trina Garnett #OO5545 (37 years)

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