Letters From Prison: Art and Short Stories

Written by Melissa Bee

October 8, 2015


Sketch and letter from a Florida inmate

I was wrongfully incarcerated and am waiting for the documentation that proves my innocence.

I had a brain aneurysm from stress, resulting in spastic paralysis, and have had 40% recovery.

I’ve self-educated myself. I do not do drugs or smoke. 

My interests are art, writing short stories, recipes, and I would like to learn about penny stocks. I’m caring, considerate and understanding. 

I would like to find someone in my life, like a mother-, father-, brother- or sister-figure, to cry with, laugh with, and support each other. 

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  1. Frank Page

    Please send me his information at your earliest convenience.
    That’s a coincidence he would like to learn about penny stocks, I was looking into that yesterday to learn myself.

    • mbee

      You got it Frank, contact info on it’s way.

  2. Erika Zauzig

    So nice you want to write this person, Frank.

  3. Frank Page

    Well Erika, it’s my pleasure to use some of my free time to make this gentleman feel like he has a support group and a reason to continue to walk a straight line while behind the fence. I hope to continue to give my time and positive thoughts and ideas to Adopt An Inmate. I’ve been looking for a project that could make a difference in someone’s life.


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