Spotted in today’s Newsday: my letter to the editor about prison reform. While some of my words were eclipsed or altered, I’m grateful for being given the space to share the importance of treating all people as human beings and worthy of respect, support, and understanding.
Sending love to Adopt an Inmate, especially founder Melissa, for inspiring change, educating me, and offering your continued support.
Phillip Alvin Jones Consulting LLC
We're delighted to share the work of our friend Phillip Alvin Jones, a talented writer, speaker, and advocate. In this...
my parents are currently going through the adoption process to adopt an adult that is incarcerated in wisconsin. him and i met through mutual friends, he is currently 21. i talked to the social worker that works at the prison and said he is only able to leave the prison if he has court. when my (soon to be brother) talked to the warden, he had said they had a much different approach to it. the warden said, and i quote from my (soon-to-be brother) tristan vandeneng in an email “ he said theres not a snowballs chance in hell hes releasing me just to get adopted. they apparently dont let people out for anything…. funerals…divorce court… child support…. paternity court…nothing. so if its even possible i would have to appear by phone. once you send the paper work and i get the notary signed. ill send it back to you. you need to get a court date set up. then once there is a court date the clerk of courts needs to call the prison and have it set up for me too appear by phone.” i have all the paperwork completed by my parents, waiting on tristan’s form back. i talked to the clerk of courts (Winnebago County) and she said once all the forms are in they will set a court hearing to finalize it. it also says so on the form i have. until the forms are all turned in and we have court coming up, we have no idea if they will actually allow all this to happen while he’s incarcerated. can somebody answer this question so i can talk to the warden myself