Our Friend Ryan’s Podcast, The Shakedown

Written by Melissa Bee

May 31, 2022

Friend of Adopt an Inmate Ryan Forbes has a new podcast, The Shakedown, and it’s great!

From Law and Order reruns to cold case podcasts, criminal justice has a very well known image in the media. However, is this image accurate? Ryan Forbes spent six years in prison after trying to negotiate a legal system that surprised him at every turn. In prison he met Malone, who spent 30 years in Texas prisons finding purpose in a place designed to instill obedience. Now both are out of prison trying to show the public that everyday justice is anything but another Law and Order episode. On their podcast, The Shakedown, they share their experiences dealing with the criminal justice system and even offer ways to improve it. Each week they discuss questions like “Who are trustees?” “What is ad-seg?” And “Do we need prisons?” As friends who have been through tough times together, Forbes and Malone try to keep the tone light and want to get listeners in on the jokes they have learned over the years. Even when a friend struggling with addiction crashes the podcast, the two try to handle it with humor and relate it back to experiences dealing with the criminal justice system. If you want to know what a first hand experience with the criminal justice system sounds like, and what can be done to improve it, check out The Shakedown.

Also check out Wayword Press. First imagined as a cool name for a comic book company. Now, Wayword Press is all about getting the word out. Wayword Press produces comics, posters, stickers, clothing, and podcasts.produces comics, posters, stickers, clothing, and podcasts.

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