Letters From Angels: A Mother’s Tears

Written by Melissa Bee

October 15, 2015


First in our new series, Letters From Angels, which is a companion to our Letters From Prison series. This was written by a mother whose son was wrongfully convicted.


AJ, I picked myself a flower today,
and said they were from you.
Because if you were here with me,
I know its what you would do.
As you walk alone to your dorm,
I walk alone to my car.
I leave a piece of my heart there with you
and take a piece of yours.
I cry my silent tears that only God can see,
until the day that I can bring your whole heart home with me.


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  1. Frank Page

    This beautiful, sweet poem, just made me cry. I know too well the affect that a son being incarcerated has on a mother. My mother was the only support I had while in prison other than my pastor. Every letter she sent me, it seamed like she was getting weaker, like the time I was sentenced had caught up to her. I never imagined how much my incarceration took out of my mother. I was released on July 30th 2014, 7 months later, on March 26 2015 my mother passed away due to heart disease. I often read the letters my mother wrote me, and I speak to her daily. She was my rock, she is the reason I made it home on the exact day I was due to be released. She is my rock today, tomorrow, and until I’m beside her once again.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the mothers who stand by their incarcerated children. Mothers and fathers give inmates a reason to keep going.

    • mbee

      Your comment just me ME cry, Frank. There is nothing worse than watching someone you love suffer.

  2. Frank Page

    Thank YOU for all the work and time you put into this Organization.
    Me being a part of this has really motivated me to speak up and let my voice be heard on a subject I’m so passionate about.
    Once again, feel free to use my comment in any way you feel appropriate.


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