
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Whether you are for or against inmates being able to receive stimulus checks like rest of the country, the choice was made by a judge who cited her reasons very logically and with compassion for why she believed it was justified. ''Why should an inmate receive such a...



Nine years ago today I walked into court with my wife of nineteen years on my arm. We were nervous but sure that we would be walking out together. We. were both wrong. Nine years ago today my nightmare began and it was a journey that only got worse as it went. I lost...

“All Day” is Going Home!

“All Day” is Going Home!

Sunday, April 11, 2021 I just wanted to share some great news about one of the bills (SB 5164) that our state's (Washington) Congress passed and how it affected a man I know called "All Day," who happens to live directly above me. People call him All Day because he is...

My 19-Year Freedom Walk

My 19-Year Freedom Walk

Saturday, April 10, 2021 Today marks my one-year countdown to freedom! After 19 years, the world I left will be profoundly different. Sitting on my cell bunk, I imagine what freedom will look like and feel like in 365 days. I imagine its new flavor and texture, how it...

The Nicest Lady in Town

The Nicest Lady in Town

BY: Jeremy in Louisiana Have you ever spoke with someone, heard their voice, and immediately knew that they were a part of you? The words they said, the tears they shed, every syllable could have been you when you were eleven, talking to your 30 year old self over the...


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