
All I Want For Christmas

All I Want For Christmas

Christmas is a festive time of year, when family members get together to enjoy robust meals, open presents, and share good ole' rare quality time. During the holidays, people tend to let bygones be bygones, differences become trivial, and allow their love for one...

Why Wait

Why Wait

Being in prison for now fifteen years, it's pretty obvious that I have spent countless hours, days, and nights waiting: waiting for what will be my eventual release. On a daily basis, I'm forced — well, conditioned is more accurate — to wait for more mundane things...

Counting My Blessings

Counting My Blessings

It's not too often that we take time in our day to reflect on the many good things we have: a job, healthy kids, a home in a safe neighborhood, food on the table, and the list could obviously go on for pages. After all, we are so preoccupied with the hustle and bustle...

We Are Better Than This

We Are Better Than This

We are no doubt in a time where evil has been on the rise, public discourse has turned hostile, demagoguery appears to be a winning recipe for political office, and the divides among demographics in our melting pot are as pronounced as I can remember in all of my...


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