Sheriff Arpaio’s Postcards

Written by Melissa Bee

March 26, 2016

AZ postcard

These are the postcards inmates in Arizona are forced to use.

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  1. Erika Zauzig

    No surprise. This man is evil. He thiroughly enjoys tormenting people in his jail. He has clearly lost sight of the fact many of these suffering people have not even been convicted of a crime. Any person who brags about spending more money to feed the guard dogs than people in his care is another example of many acts that reveal this man’s sadistic personality. He thoroughly disgust me.

  2. plastiktrance2015

    No surprise. This man is evil. He thiroughly enjoys tormenting people in his jail. He has clearly lost sight of the fact that many of these suffering people haven’t even been convicted of a crime. Any person who brags about spending more money to feed the guard dogs than the people in his jail is sadistic.

  3. IMT

    Being from Arizona…I know this mans twisted ways all too well. This is so ridiculous that these are the postcards required. Ridiculous Sheriff Joe!

    • Galaxy love

      Being from Denmark. This is to funny for my liking. Sorry to say, but we only hear cracy storries about bad treatment from the states. Never anywere else. Why is that ?


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