Note from the staff: We started this organization in an effort to help inmates and expose the public, one connection at a time,...
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Whether you are for or against inmates being able to receive stimulus checks like rest of the country, the choice was made by a...
Strength of Character
Being incarcerated for any length of time can be a brutal, psychologically taxing experience. As of this writing, I am...
Honoring My Victims Every Day
We are pleased to share this Opinion Piece in The Oregonian by guest columnist and frequent AI blogger Martin Lockett. I had...
Counting My Blessings
It's not too often that we take time in our day to reflect on the many good things we have: a job, healthy kids, a home in a...
Why Bother
Any woman in a relationship with a man in prison can attest to the fact that there will, unfortunately, be many in their...
The Ripple Effect
For too many years of my life I assumed my actions affected me and only me. So what if I chose to drink away my pain? So what if...
Addiction: A Choice Or A Disease?
Many have exclaimed, "Addiction is NOT a disease — it's a choice!" A disease, they'll say, is something that you have no control...
Understanding Addiction
It's no secret that most of us in prison (about 80% in fact) have been involved with and/or addicted to drugs and/or alcohol for...
Sharing the Impact
For the first twelve years of my incarceration I was convinced I had done everything I could to atone for my crime by honoring...