Back from a lengthy hiatus and reviving our Quarterly-ish Newsletter! Click below for our latest issue. Don’t forget to share, and send a copy to your loved one inside. We welcome your feedback and comments.
Melissa Bee
“Cruel and Unusual” is Not So Unusual in Prison
From a person who has been locked up almost 30 years in the custody of the Illinois department of corrections, I would have thought that communication married to reunification with family & friends would be the foundation (next to protecting society) to their...
Bobby Bostic and the Judge who sentenced him to 241 years in prison
Our friend Bobby Bostic has a familiar name for many with an interest in prison reform, and juvenile life sentences. Locked up at 16 years old for crimes committed as a juvenile, Judge Evelyn Baker sentenced him to 241 years in 1995, believing that teens had no...
Jpay to Securus Conversion
FL, TX, and WA State Adopters: If your adoptee is in TDCJ (Texas state), FDC (Florida Dept. of Corrections), or WA DOC (Washington state), be aware that for emessaging, you're going to be faced with a Jpay to Securus conversion. If you have an existing Jpay account,...
Your support makes a difference for prisoners this giving season
Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and Giving Tuesday follows quickly after. If you haven't selected a nonprofit to donate to this year, this is a perfect time to support our work. Even small amounts make a big difference to those who can't be with their families. Your support...
Arizona Prisoner’s Annual Secret Santa Drive
Our dear friend Tricia in Arizona is looking for a little help to brighten the holidays for as many as 40 other prisoners. If you'd like to contribute a few bucks to this cause, just go to our Donate page and note that it's for the AZ Secret Santa Project. Hello...
Our Friend Ryan’s Podcast, The Shakedown
Friend of Adopt an Inmate Ryan Forbes has a new podcast, The Shakedown, and it's great! From Law and Order reruns to cold case podcasts, criminal justice has a very well known image in the media. However, is this image accurate? Ryan Forbes spent six years in prison...
Shining a light on the War on Drugs
From the Texas Center for Justice & Equality: A new report, Reversing the War on Drugs in Texas, authored by Policy Analyst Sarah Reyes and Director of Policy and Advocacy Alycia Castillo, shares research on who’s actually using drugs in Texas, the harmful...
Martin Lockett – Prison to Purpose Pipeline
Many of you are familiar with Martin Lockett, who has written many blog posts for us over the years. Today, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2022, is the perfect day to let you know that since his release in June of 2021, Martin has republished his book - formerly Palpable...
UPDATE: IRS Publishes Guidance on How to Obtain Stimulus Payments from Prison During 2021 Tax Season
The deadline to file 2020 taxes is May 17th, just over two weeks away. Monitor this page for updates - download blank and sample forms and instructions. See the FAQ and Resources at the top. Use the IRS online Get My Payment tool to check the status of...