
Change to Jpay Stamp Services

Announcement from Jpay: Dear JPay Customer, As of today, April 7, 2020, you will only be able to purchase JPay Stamp packages for the state where your incarcerated loved one is located. If you communicate with incarcerated individuals located in multiple states, then...

Solitary Confinement

Solitary Confinement

Physical mental and emotional torture. That's what solitary confinement amounts to. Is this just my opinion from my own personal experience? No - this is scientifically proven. What I'm about to share is scientific testimony out of case law, which you can find on any...

There Are No Words

There Are No Words

A legend lives no more. Tragically, Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter, and 7 other souls lost their lives in a horrific helicopter accident. The Mamba is gone! I'm not an L.A. Lakers fan, but there are no word to express how I feel about the passing of Kobe, how...

The Bubble Effect

The Bubble Effect

The United States of America, land of the free and home of the brave, often feels more like the land of the isolated and home of the cowardly tweet. We are more divided than at any point in my lifetime. It seems to be more than a mere lack of unity as an expression of...


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