
Strength of Character

Strength of Character

Being incarcerated for any length of time can be a brutal, psychologically taxing experience. As of this writing, I am 40-years-old, and I have been incarcerated for 19 years, roughly 48% of my life. And while that may be eye-popping, it is important to remember that...

Why Long Prison Sentences Don’t Help

Why Long Prison Sentences Don’t Help

Mary Ann MgGivern writes in the National Catholic Reporter: [...]I was on the elevator with one of the governor's aides, who said, "Oh, yes, the governor is committed to addressing mandatory minimums." I said, "For violent crimes?" He said, "Oh, not violent crimes,...

Don’t React – Respond! 

Don’t React – Respond! 

This past week came with one of the biggest shocks of my fifteen years of incarceration. My unit ('incentive housing' with extra privileges for those of us who have exhibited at least 18 months of clear conduct) was inspected by the administration. We had been duly...

Mercy Works Best: Finland vs. Los Angeles

In Finland, they've reduced homelessness by 35% because they attacked the problem radically. They tried a little bit of mercy. From the Daily Mall: “We decided to make the housing unconditional,” says Kaakinen. “To say, look, you don’t need to solve your problems...


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