
Prisoners Need Love, Too

Prisoners Need Love, Too

I cannot tell you how many times I have witnessed or have heard about men in this situation either meeting a woman via a pen pal website — or otherwise — and developing a strong relationship or even getting married, only to have it go awry. The euphoria of knowing...

Addiction: A Choice Or A Disease?

Addiction: A Choice Or A Disease?

Many have exclaimed, "Addiction is NOT a disease — it's a choice!" A disease, they'll say, is something that you have no control over; it suddenly afflicts you when you least expect it and wreaks havoc on your life. People don't do anything to bring about disease in...

Hate Mail – “No Stamps”

Hate Mail – “No Stamps”

See the post that launched this series here. We receive returned mail almost daily, refused due to various mail violations. Postage is one of our biggest expenses, so because postcards stamps are cheaper than regular first class stamps, we have an assortment of...

Learn, Baby, Learn

Learn, Baby, Learn

I was on the yard today simply enjoying the 75-degree weather. I'd taken a seat on one of the metal benches located on the inner edge of the track when a guy walked up to me, took it upon himself to sit down and start chatting. Now, I'm one of those people who...


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