In response to a letter we sent to Congressman DeFazio in Oregon, we received the following: Dear Ms. Brown: Thank you for...
Adopt an Inmate Needs Your Help
Thereâs good news and bad news ⌠Many of you are aware of our website re-design which is underway. We were lucky enough to find...
Newsday: About Prison Reform
Spotted in today's Newsday: my letter to the editor about prison reform. While some of my words were eclipsed or altered, I'm...
NEWS: FCC Approves Modified Phone Rate Caps to Bring Financial Relief for Prisonersâ Families
PRESS RELEASE Human Rights Defense Center For Immediate Release August 4, 2016 FCC Approves Modified Phone Rate Caps to Bring...
Update: Yvette Louisell
We blogged about Yvette last August, and are can now report that she has been approved for work-release. Des Moines Register...
Letters From Prison: No Mental Health Help For Ohio Inmates
From According to a report by the Treatment Advocacy Center, in 2012 the United States had 10 times...
Our loved one, their ward
Please share this story widely, this family needs answers. On February 27, 2016, I received a devastating phone call from my...
We’re in the Newspaper!
Fern Ridge Review December 16, 2015 A new non-profit taking on a life of its own Nice piece in the Fern Ridge Review, with...
Adopt an Inmate on ‘Women Behind the Wall’ Podcast with Gloria Killian
I was thrilled to be Gloria Killian's guest on her podcast "Women Behind the Wall," Thursday, August 20th. Gloria is the...
AI on ‘Women Behind the Wall’ Podcast with Gloria Killian 8/20/2015
Please tune in for this Thursday's episode of Women Behind the Wall Podcast, hosted by Gloria Killian. I am thrilled and honored...