This past week came with one of the biggest shocks of my fifteen years of incarceration. My unit ('incentive housing' with...
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Michael’s Day in Court
On this day, which is almost nine years in the making, I wish to dedicate this AI blog post to Michael Henderson. Michael's...
Donation: Handmade Afghan for AI
We received this handmade afghan from our friend Charles Farrar, an innocent man serving a 145-to-life sentence, based on lies...
Inmate Art: Parole Denied
This artwork was sent in from Timothy in Ohio, who maintains his innocence. I continue to fight my case on my own and...
Letters From Angels: A Mother’s Tears
First in our new series, Letters From Angels, which is a companion to our Letters From Prison series. This was written by...
Letters From Prison: Art and Short Stories
Sketch and letter from a Florida inmate I was wrongfully incarcerated and am waiting for the documentation that proves my...