Nothing On My Table
While certainly not as grossly unjust as it was prior to the 1980s, incarceration is still an incredibly dehumanizing experience, and given that people are incarcerated for years at a time, imprisonment in the United States often permanently scars a person to the...
What Rehabilitation Means
In the movie Shawshank Redemption, one of the incarcerated characters, Red they called him, went before the parole board. He had been in prison for over 30 years at that point, and one of the members of the parole board asked him, "Do you think you have been...
FDC Prisoners Recount Stories of Hurricane Michael
We are beginning to hear from prisoners housed in Gulf Correctional Institution in the direct path of Hurricane Michael at the time it hit. They were not evacuated until days later. Below is a letter from one of them: The hurricane was pretty crazy, at first I didn't...
Roger Black’s Review of Your Next Chapter by Evelyn D. Watkins
I read this book through two times. I enjoyed it so well that I developed an eight-week curriculum from this book, and as the Vice President of the NAACP here at Madison Correctional Institution, am in the process of preparing a proposal to purchase enough copies of...
Why Bother
Any woman in a relationship with a man in prison can attest to the fact that there will, unfortunately, be many in their families and inner-circle of friends who don't approve of their relationships. Many who are critical of these relationships, however, are not...
News from AI
Greetings from AI! If you're like us, 2018 is speeding by - how is it already fourth quarter? We haven't checked in with you in some time, and wanted to send a quick update about what's been going on behind the scenes, and what's coming up. News ♦ We recently...